Руководство для социальных предпринимателей, составленное британской компанией ClearlySo. Этот весьма информативный документ будет полезен всем, кто заинтересован в теме.

Navigating your way around the fast-growing social enterprise marketplace just got a whole lot easier with the launch of a new guide packed with useful insights and invaluable links - and it’s all free.

Produced by a leading light in the sector, the ClearlySo Guide for the Ambitious Social Entrepreneur is available to download here free of charge. The guide is designed to plug a gap identified by ClearlySo, namely the absence of a central source of information covering the wide range of issues facing social businesses setting off on the road to success.  Now in its third and final iteration, this document covers finance, legal structures, public bodies, tax regimes, networks, industry intelligence and support organisations.

The City of London sponsored the work, keenly aware of the social sector’s contribution to creating local employment and furthering the regeneration agenda.  The Corporation points out that with over a third of social enterprise organisations located in deprived areas the sector’s potential impact is huge.  

ClearlySo’s stated mission is to help social entrepreneurs raise capital and this new guide will go a long way to furthering that aim. It’s also essential reading for investors wishing to learn about the exciting opportunities available in this expanding space.

Ссылка для скачивания: Guide for the Ambitious Social Entrepreneur.